Gas Analyser Testo 330-2 LL
- کد محصول: Testo 330-2 LL
- موجودی: در انبار
- قیمت بدون مالیات: 465,000,000تومان
- Testo 330-2 LL.
- جهت اطلاع از قیمت به روز کالا و موجودی با ما تماس بگیرید.
- Flue Gas Analysers.
- ساخت شرکت تستو آلمان.
- با سنسور مادام العمر.
- جهت اطلاع از قیمت و مشاوره فنی تماس بگیرید.
- With long-life gas sensors.
- H2-compensated CO-sensor.
- Rechargable battery.
- Calibration protocol.
- Graphic display.
- Flue gas probe -300mm x 8mm.
- Bluetooth function for use with testo combustion App.
- carry case.
- High-resolution colour display for the graphic representation of your measurement data.
- Extended measurement menus – such as gas pipe testing – for a comprehensive analysis of your heating system.
- Logger function for easy long-term recording of the measurement curve.
- Graphic processing of measurement data
- Instrument diagnosis function uses easy „traffic light’’ presentation to enable comprehensive instrument diagnosis.
- Pressure measurement up to 300 mbar.
- User-defined fuels.
- Powerful memory management: 500,000 readings.
- USB interface for data readout to a PC software.
- In CO measurement, from 8.000 ppm, automatic dilution is carried out up to min. 30,000 ppm CO.
- Integrated gas and draught zeroing without probe removal: The probe can remain in the flue during zeroing.